The latest receipts we have for a room.


  • RoomReceipts



danglingReceipts: DanglingReceipts
room: Room
threadedReceipts: ThreadedReceipts
unthreadedReceipts: ReceiptsByUser


  • Remember the receipt information supplied. For each receipt:

    If we don't have the event for this receipt, store it as "dangling" so we can process it later.

    Otherwise store it per-user in either the threaded store for its thread_id, or the unthreaded store if there is no thread_id.

    Ignores any receipt that is before an existing receipt for the same user (in the same thread, if applicable). "Before" is defined by the unfilteredTimelineSet of the room.


    Returns void

  • Look for dangling receipts for the given event ID, and add them to the thread of unthread receipts if found.


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • threadId: string
    • userId: String

    Returns boolean

    true if the thread with this ID can be found, and the supplied user sent the latest message in it.

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